When you invest your time, you make a goal and a decision of something that you want to accomplish that will positively impact the community. Pre- College University has made this mission known, and is currently making the positive difference in the life of Philadelphia native, Indigo Rockmore. Since earning the opportunity to join the infamous league of Mentorship for Environmental Scholars, she has made a vow along with Pre-College University and the Department of Energy to invest in herself.
Indigo Tracey Ann Rockmore’s self-investment mission truly began August 11 th , 2014 when she made the decision to attend Spelman College. She made the commitment to enrich herself culturally, expound on her studies academically and service the community intuitively. After attending Spelman College for two months, she thought of challenging herself. So she enrolled in the Dual Degree Engineering Program, where she would earn a Bachelors’ of Science in Chemistry from Spelman College and transfer to an engineering institution all in five years. For three years Indigo worked hard in her academics as well as in her community and earned admittance to the University of Michigan on a full-tuition scholarship. In two years Indigo will be earning her Bachelors’ of Science in Engineering in Environmental Engineering from the University of Michigan. Thereafter she plans on joining the mission of Teach for America to supplement urban minority youth in the Northeastern region. Upon fulfilling her commitment to Teach for America Indigo will earn a Masters in Bioengineering and attend Graduate School to explore the field of Food Science.
Along Indigo’s journey, she built valuable relationships with her peers and mentors, and will forever cherish the foundation she built. Indigo’s career path takes her in the research and development field of a private company. Without the support, and instilment of purpose from Pre-College University she would have not earned the wonderful opportunity to intern at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, as well as learn tactics to flourish in corporate America. Indigo is now moving along a path she finds true to herself, and purposeful to others.