Since the day Emmanuel Burns stepped into his 6th grade Earth Science class, he began to cultivate a sincere love for the sciences, as science explored the world around him and gave answers to the questions his inquisitive mind had about the world. This love led to Emmanuel entering the math and science program at his local high school in Atlanta, Georgia. The experience furthered his interest in science and biology, because it allowed him to take pathway classes in healthcare and biotechnology, where he was exposed to a variety medical and healthcare careers. After graduating from high school, Emmanuel chose to attend Atlanta Metropolitan State College where he is currently a senior Biological Science student, with a minor in Chemistry. While at Atlanta Metropolitan State College, Emmanuel became a researcher within the Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Program, where he participated in symposiums for student researchers. Through engagement with his research advisor, Emmanuel learned about the Mentorship for Environmental Scholars Program (MES), where he realized he could get the opportunity to expand his research knowledge.
In earning the internship, Emmanuel officially became a part of the Pre-College University (PCU) family. With this opportunity, he gained professional experience and research knowledge, while also honing a few life skills at Los Alamos National Laboratory. At the laboratory, Emmanuel studied rock varnish as a potential biosignature for Mars using LC-MS analysis. This unique opportunity helped him to become a better scientist, researcher, and professional. Additionally, the internship enhanced Emmanuel’s long-term goal of getting into an M.D.-Ph.D. program to practice medicine as a Cardiologist. Emmanuel says “The MES internship helped me to mature overall as an individual and allotted me the opportunity to network with people in similar career paths, from various backgrounds”. MES is a great program that provides everyone the tools to grow in their desired field of study, while giving them a push towards their career goals. All the while inviting them to step outside of their comfort zone and explore a plethora of new experiences.