Welcome to your virtual preparatory academy. Pre-College University prides itself on “providing what you should know, before you go”. We were founded to provide you with the supplemental educational support you need to succeed on every level. By becoming a member of our community you gain access to our catalog of virtual trainings, education and career counseling, and network of students and professionals assembled to assist you with your personal growth. 

As a student, you can take part in one of our targeted programs, or simply take advantage of the information shared. We currently offer a federally funded internship program and Environmental Justice Academy, and will soon launch our Senior Year Experience (SYE) for high school students looking to better prepare for college. For those already attending college, we offer career coaching and prep.



For those of you finishing up your middle school years, Pre-College University salutes you. As you look to begin this last phase of your primary schooling, we are here to assist you with developing a Personal Strategic Plan© that increases high school success. This plan, beginning with an assessment, takes into account your post-high school plans, and your areas of interest. With this information, PCU helps you to set in place a roadmap that is easy to follow and aligns you with the people and activities that are beneficial to your next four years.  


As your high school years wind down, and you prepare to head off to the college campus of your choice, Pre-College University is poised to be your value added partner. Building on your Personal Strategic Plan©, PCU provides supplemental programming that will focus on those intangible and essential skills needed to successfully transition to “the 13th grade”. In addition to being academically prepared through your high school, our Senior Year Experience is designed to provide targeted training in areas found to be vital in a young adult being successful during their college years.


Pre-College University understands that everyone does not head off to college after high school. Regardless of whether you are considering the military or going straight to work, we have you covered. As a member of PCU, you gain access to both military and professional career counseling. Our military career counselor can answer questions for you that may be vital to you making the important choice on the branch or even field you consider. If you are heading straight to work, you can take advantage of our career readiness or workforce development programs.