Money Smart
Financial Goals
Welcome to Setting Financial Goals! One of the first steps to financial security is planning and following through on a personal spending plan or budget. Budgeting is about choices—choosing how to make money and choosing how to spend money.
Pay Yourself First
Welcome to Pay Yourself First! Saving money is an important part of building your financial future. This module will give you some tips to help you get started. It will also show you how your money can grow when you save, and will give you some important information about saving and investment products.
Borrowing Basics
Welcome to Borrowing Basics! Learning to manage credit is an important part of building your financial future. This module will teach you about borrowing money from banks and other financial institutions. You will learn how loans work, and how financial institutions make loan decisions.
Charge It Right
Welcome to Charge It Right! One of the first steps to financial security is planning and following through on a personal spending plan or budget. Budgeting is about choices—choosing how to make money and choosing how to spend money.